Posted on: August 29, 2016 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

After the Olympics

For months/years you put every moment you can into training. Early mornings, while the kids are sleeping, late nights, thanks to an understanding spouse, or maybe it’s just the sole focus of your life, but either way you’ve been training for the Olympics.  Your nervous, flying to Rio and not knowing what the competition will be like, but when the timer starts, you put it all “on the line”.  Heart pumping, brain falling into training mode, muscles straining.  It all clicks!

What happens after all that effort?  You win gold. Set a record. Now what?  Seems like some cashed in by getting sponsors, and a few have a “Brand Name“, but very few seem to last.

I’ve been thinking of my own efforts, and if I’m directing my “training time” for the right events.  I don’t want to miss out on life experiences and “be in the moment”, so training for near/immediate goals makes sense.  I also want to make sure I have a plan after my Olympics.  Do I just think of the next one? Many athletes do. Or can it help longer term?

In the wake of this amazing Summer Olympics, we should re-evaluate where we are putting our training.

What are you training for?


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